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COLORS 101: Use Colors Like a PRO


HELLOOOOOOOO There!!! I’m sure you’ll agree with me that choosing the color scheme for your space can be daunting Right??? That’s because colours are fickle. There are so many shades of colors to choose from. And that my friends…can tricky and overwhelming to reach a decision on what colors to use in your space. 

Guess what? It’s not enough to simply pick out your favorite colors, you’ll need to consider the proportions in which these colors are used, as this will determine the overall balance and visual harmony of your space.

Alright!!! Now that we clearly understand these basics. I want to believe strongly LOL…that you won’t follow the copy and paste trend. Oh Yes…I said that. You don’t have to adopt a color scheme because you saw it at a friend’s place, I mean… I guess that could be a reason. But what if I told you, you’ll have a lot more fun creating your own original scheme, that reflects your unique style and preference.

Exactly…! You too can use colors in your space like a PRO. Ofcourse I’ll show you how *wink* I’ll be sharing (3) Color Rules that everyone regardless of your background can relate to and explore.

1) The 60-30-10 Rule

This rule is your ultimate go to when in doubt, regardless of what your personal aesthetics may be. The 60-30-10 rule helps you consciously balance out your color palette in your space. Ask me how??? It simply requires you to work with 3 colors in detailing your design elements and apply them in percentages of 60-30-10. So here it’s how it works. 

You first choose one shade of color to be your dominant shade, which takes up 60% of the room. This color should be neutral/subdued hue that when used largely over the room area is not overwhelming. Next you pick a secondary color, this is typically a bit bolder and should take up 30% of the space. Finally, your accent color should be your boldest shade and should make up for the remaining 10%. 

2) The Monochromatic Color Scheme

Monochromatic Color schemes are easy to create because they essentially require the use of only one color. You’re basically using different tones from thesame angle on the color wheel (thesame hue). As a result they are guaranteed to suit each other because they belong to thesame color family.

Awesome…Now the first step in putting a monochromatic look together is to choose your base color. Here, I suggest utilizing three colors, Of course from the same color family in order to create a cohesive look. Remember to add patterns and textures, as you look for elements and accent pieces to fill up the space, make a conscious effort to include a variety of textures that fit well within the color scheme you have chosen.

3) The Complementary Color Scheme

Right!!! Of all the color rules that interior designers use, the complementary color scheme is often thought of as the simplest to achieve. Let me break this down for you. That’s because this color scheme only involves two shades. 

This is achieved by simply using two color shades that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel; Here you get combinations like blue and Orange, Yellow and Purple or red and green. 

As you can see, these color pairings are extremely high contrast which means that-while they undoubtedly bring a strong vibrant energy into a space, they’re ultimately best used in small doses. You should think of them as your accent colors and use plenty of neutrals to balance them out.

There you have it GUYS…I hope one or more of you are able to experiment with these tips and I’ll LOVE to hear all about it!!!

Please share, drop your Questions & Comments in the comments sections and let’s stay connected. 

Till next time xoxo

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